Thursday, October 28, 2010

End of the 2010 Guiding Season in the Arctic

(Agiak Lake in Gates of the Arctic)

Well, it's been another great year of guiding in the arctic. This year the company that Becky and I primarily work for, Arctic Wild, compiled all the best photos the guides took on trips and made a real nifty slide show for folks to enjoy. You can see it by going to Arctic Wild's blog at:
If you look in the lower left corner of the photos you can usually see who took the photo. Some of mine are included in the Agiak Lake, Kobuk Sand Dunes, Beaver Creek, Archimedes Ridge and Yukon River trips. Enjoy the show.

P.S. When you hear some of the oil drill mongering conservatives talking about the Arctic being a useless waste land that needs to be developed to be of value keep these photos in mind. The Arctic is a vibrant ecosystem with a diversity of year round mammals and seasonally sensitive nesting migratory birds that rely on it for survival. It's a place of beauty and value to it's inhabitants.